by Rev. Mark Robinson In Jewish writings there are many references to a time of suffering before the advent of the Messiah. A couple of references will illustrate this concept. Raphael Patai, in his book The Messiah Texts, said about the Messianic texts, “The idea...


by Dan Bergman One would be misinformed to think that religious Jewish writings consist of only the Tanakh (Old Testament) and the Talmud. There are many other Jewish documents dating from the 4th century B.C. through the late 13th century A.D. An understanding of...


by Rev. Mark Robinson The word Tenach is probably unfamiliar to many of our readers. This is the term Jewish people use when referring to what Christians call the Old Testament. It is the entire Jewish Bible, made up of the exact same number of verses as the Old...


by Dr. Keith Megilligan “You have heard that it was said to those of old…You have heard that it was said…It was also said…” Jesus uttered these phrases near the beginning of His teaching of what has become known as His “Sermon on the Mount” found in Matthew 5-7....