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Most of what you will see here are digital articles that were originally published in our quarterly magazine, Israel’s Messenger. There are also additional posts relating to theology, current events, and sharing your faith with a Jewish person.


by Dr. Keith Megilligan Zechariah is simply identified to us as a "prophet" in 1:1. His time for living and ministry are given in Ezra 6:14 - "And the elders of the Jews builded, and they prospered through the prophesying of Haggai the prophet and Zechariah the son of...


By Rev. Dan Bergman It was 605 BC, the third year of King Jehoiakim's reign. Daniel was a boy living in Jerusalem. Some say he was a teenager, but the Hebrew simply doesn't support it. He had to have been younger. He was most likely of royal descent. He definitely...


By Rev. Mark Robinson It is certainly not hyperbole when many commentators refer to Isaiah as the prince of prophets. His writings will take you from the depths of sin, hypocrisy, and political and religious degradation to the heights of righteousness, holiness, and...


by Ken Symes To understand the Bible we must recognize that the Bible is God’s infallible Word, that there are no contradictions, and that God’s revelation to man is progressive (cf. Isaiah 28:9-10). Additionally, an understanding of Biblical dispensations is...

Dispensations and Israel – PRESENT

by Dr. Keith Megilligan Church history has brought us to an interesting place in our theological understanding of God’s working out His plan. The outworking of this plan has been reviewed by church historians and theologians since the inception of the church. One of...

Dispensationalism and Israel – PAST

by Ken Overby When Abraham heard these seminal words, “I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all...

Dispensations and Israel – FUTURE

By Mark Robinson When dispensational teaching and Israel in the future are considered, we are primarily talking about the coming kingdom age of 1,000 years (Millennial Kingdom). The still future Tribulation period, in the dispensational motif, is considered part of...


By Rev. Mark Robinson "The Messiah is dead!" "The Messiah is dead!" As the word filtered throughout the community, denial was paramount in the minds of many of the believers. "It can’t be! Just yesterday we were greeting him with, ‘Long live our master, our teacher,...

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