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Most of what you will see here are digital articles that were originally published in our quarterly magazine, Israel’s Messenger. There are also additional posts relating to theology, current events, and sharing your faith with a Jewish person.

Israel: The Sign of the Times

by Mark Robinson      The billboard was the most controversial the city center had seen in years, and maybe ever. People had a myriad of opinions on its purpose and message. The message was brief – “It IS Coming!” Some thought it was a hoax. Sure, they recognized the...

Israel: God’s Answer to Skeptics?

by Mark Robinson      The nation of Israel and her people the Jews are an enigma to this world. The preservation of the people of Israel is a contradiction of all historical trends. The uniqueness of this people is captured in an essay Mark Twain authored in 1899:...

Evidences for the Resurrection

Evidences for the Resurrection

The idea of the Messiah’s resurrection did not begin with the birth of New Testament Christianity; in fact, the Apostle Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 15:2-3, “…how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures.” (Emphasis added)

Messiah as the Stone

By Jeffrey Berg       I have been very blessed over the years to have the privilege of taking people to Israel on Biblical study tours. When we tour the Western Wall Tunnel of the Temple Mount, we view some very magnificent stones dating back to the time of Herod the...

From Synagogue to Savior

Moshe Gold Testimony  So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.  Isaiah 55:11  And when He is come, He will convince the...

What Grace Is This!!!

TESTIMONY OF MARK ROBINSON               The pulsating sound of the sirens couldn't pierce the blackness of my mind. Where had I gone so wrong in my life that I had come to this point? At 22 years of age I should have had the world and its limitless opportunities...


By Mark Robinson       Psalm 45 is a glorious psalm extolling the virtues of the king and his glorious triumph over his enemies. It is majestic in its grace, solemn in its pronouncements, and exhilarating in its promises as it reaches the peak of hope for the war...

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