Testimony of Mark Robinson

The pulsating sound of the sirens couldn’t pierce the blackness of my mind. Where had I gone so wrong in my life that I had come to this point? At 22 years of age I should have had the world and its limitless opportunities ahead of me. Life should have been a...


Our Word this time is not Hebrew, but rather Aramaic!  It is a very interesting term that is used in the beautiful, joyous holiday of Succot (Succos), or the Feast of Tabernacles!  As many of you know, G-d’s people were in captivity in Babylon for 70 years where...


CHASIDA – pronouncethe "ch" with the guttural sound from the back of the throat; the "a’s" are short vowels, and the "i" is pronounced as "ee."The accent is on the last syllable; cha-see-DA.  CHASIDA – "STORK." ...


TISHA  B’AV – pronounce “TISHA” with a short “i” and “a,” and with the accent on “TISH.”  Pronounce B’AV with a short “a.”  The “B” in “B’AV” is pronounced...


RAFUAH  SHELAIMHAH – pronounce "rafuah" with two short "a’s" and a long "u" as in "too."  The accent is on the second syllable.  "Shelaimhah" is pronounced with a short "e", long "a" (as...