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Chanukah’s Relation to Christmas
Jeffrey Berg "Twas the night before Chanukah, Boichecks and Maidels, Not a sound could be heard, not even the Draidels. The Menorah was set by the chimney alight, In the kitchen, the Bubbie was choppin' a bite. Salami, pastrami, a glassele tay, and zoyerey pickles...
By Ken Symes December is a time when both Christians and Jews celebrate an important holiday. For the Christians it is Christmas. For the Jews it is Chanukah, also known as the Festival of Lights or Dedication. The only mention of this Jewish holiday...
Will The Temple Be Rebuilt?
Rev. Mark Robinson The spring day was typical in many ways for Jerusalem. The sun was shining and the air was crisp, but there was one notable difference. Hundreds were anxiously awaiting the sacrifice. It was April, and the celebration of Passover was at hand....
How Then Shall We Live?
By Dr. Keith Megilligan New love is exquisite. There is joy for the first time that enters the heart of the one who is in love. When you view the radiant faces of the young couple who stand enraptured in each others' presence at their wedding, you appreciate...
Is the Rapture Pre-Trib?
by Mark Robinson "Pre-trib", "mid-trib", "post-trib", "pre-wrath". Perhaps you have heard these terms—perhaps not. They refer to the timing of the Rapture of the Church. "Trib" refers to the seven year Tribulation period prophesied in the Bible that will occur just...
The Cup of Acceptance
by Mark Robinson The long evening of the Seder was winding down. A few hours earlier family and friends had gathered for the beginning of the annual tradition of the Passover Seder; it seemed as if the reading of the Passover Haggadah would never get to the place...
The Power of God unto salvation to every who believes..
by Jeffrey Berg The power of God unto salvation to everyone who believes..." is the heart of Romans 1:16. There can be no salvation without the power of God. The word "power," in Romans 1:16, comes from the Greek word, "dunamis." We derive "dynamite" from this word....
The Cup of Redemption
by Roland Mills In the Bible, we have recorded for us what is called the "…feast of the LORD" (Leviticus 23:4). Seven feasts are recorded in Leviticus 23. Together, they tell us the marvelous story of God's dealings with His chosen people and the nations as a...
For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ…
Pastor Marty Baker, Th.M. Shame. It is exactly what Paul tells the Roman Christians he doesn't feel when he thinks about the gospel of Jesus Christ. Here is how he states it: "For I am not ashamed of the gospel …" (Romans 1:16a). Ostensibly, this means Paul didn't...
Messiah Jesus: the Passover Lamb
by Moshe Gold On the Seder plate1 containing the main ritual items of the Passover is a place marked by the Hebrew word Zerôah. It is here that a roasted shank bone of a lamb is placed to symbolize the Pascal lamb once offered in the Temple. This is a purely...
Virgin Birth? Really?
By: Kenneth G. Symes Today, one of the most controversial subjects in Scripture is the issue of the virgin birth. The Jewish Rabbis, along with many Christian leaders, do not believe that Isaiah 7:10-16 teaches that the Messiah was to be virgin born. Does this...
Bethlehem: Birthplace of the King
Rev. Mark Robinson The night sky is calm and serene. In a way it mirrors, at least outwardly, the condition of the nation. Everywhere the comfort of wealth is evident. Little seems to be lacking in this nation that has been so blessed of God. The inhabitants have...