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Israel in the Tribulation

 By Jeffrey Berg       When America was living through the horror of the "9-11 Terror Attacks," the Jewish High Holy Days were being observed. My wife, Arlene, and I had a wonderful opportunity to visit a Lubavitch (Ultra Orthodox) rabbi. The visit took place during...

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Israel in the Millennium

by Moshe Gold       During the Battle of Armageddon Messiah Jesus will return to earth destroying all armies arrayed against the Holy City of Jerusalem. Following their defeat, they will be judged and put to death. The False Messiah and the False Prophet will be...

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Of Whom Does the Prophet Speak?

Mark Robinson      Isaiah 53 is perhaps the pivotal chapter in the Jewish Bible in helping determine the identity of the Messiah and the work he would do. With the possible exception of the seventy weeks prophecy of Daniel 9:24-27, the grandeur of this chapter...

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Jewish Objections to Jesus in Isaiah 53

K.G. Symes "Do you mean to tell me that Jewish people reject the teaching that the suffering servant in Isaiah 53 is the Messiah?" To the young man's question I replied: "Yes, because the Christians used this passage to witness to Jewish folk with great success.  So...

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And also to the Greek…

by John Metzger One of the questions that used to come to mind before I was in Jewish ministries was why God only seemed to be interested in the Jewish people while the rest of the ancient world knew nothing of God, and died being eternally separated from God in hell....

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To the Jew First

by Mark Robinson           There should be no question as to the priority of the Church in the absence of her Head. Jesus made this very clear in His final thoughts, yea command, to those who belong to Him. His last words were, ". . .ye shall be witnesses unto me both...

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Jerusalem: The Scattering and Regathering

By Jeffery Berg In Matthew 23:37-39, the Lord Jesus made a very grim prediction of the future events of the Holy City, Jerusalem. "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy...

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by Mark Robinson         The highlight of the entire Passover Seder is the drama surrounding the afikomen. At the beginning of the evening the leader of the Seder will lift up the tri-compartment matzoh bag, and remove the middle board of matzoh. This middle piece is...

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The Cup of Acceptance

by Mark Robinson      The long evening of the Seder was winding down. A few hours earlier family and friends had gathered for the beginning of the annual tradition of the Passover Seder; it seemed as if the reading of the Passover Haggadah would never get to the place...

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The Power of God unto salvation to every who believes..

by Jeffrey Berg The power of God unto salvation to everyone who believes..." is the heart of Romans 1:16. There can be no salvation without the power of God. The word "power," in Romans 1:16, comes from the Greek word, "dunamis." We derive "dynamite" from this word....

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Jerusalem and the Reign of the True King

by Mark Robinson     The future of the city of Jerusalem is of vital concern to the three main monotheistic religions of the world—Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Each has a compelling interest in this city. The present-day Middle East conflict between Israel and...

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