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Introduction to Zephaniah
by Rev. Mark Robinson Zephaniah, which means "Yahweh hides," is the writer of this book addressed to the people of Judah and covers the period of 640-609 B.C. Most of the writing was done before the fall of Ninevah in 612 B.C. (see 2:13) and likely after the cleansing...
By Ken Symes Pharisees and Sadducees are two of the major groups found in the New Testament and are nowhere in the Old Testament. Who are these groups? When did they come into the world of Judaism? What did they believe? As one reads the Bible it is important to...
Communion – In light of Jewish History and Culture
Ken Overby In order to understand how the first century church observed Communion, it is necessary to grasp a history of the Jewishness of the early church. The followers of Yeshua, referred to as those of the “Way,”1 never thought of themselves as anything other than...
Christian Baptism in the light of the Jewish Mikveh
by Rev. Mark Robinson Baptism in the Christian world is a religious ritual that has, in many instances, taken on an importance far beyond its simple origins. There are Christian denominations, Catholicism and Church of Christ among others, that embrace the...
By Ken Symes There are five branches of Judaism. Reconstructionist Judaism is secular and denies the existence of a personal God and a Divine revelation. Thus, they do not accept the Bible in any form only stressing the Jewish culture with no real religious emphasis....
Circumcision of the Heart not the Flesh: The Highest Priority
By Rev. Mark Robinson Circumcision is practiced almost universally among Jewish people. The command is to circumcise all males on their 8th day, Genesis 17:9-13, as a sign of their covenantal relationship with God. Rabbi Eugene Korn understands the most important...
Bar Mitzvah and the Age of Accountability
By Ken Overby Does Scripture address what is referred to as “the age of accountability”? How can a parent discern when a child reaches that age? Why do Rabbis set 13, bar mitzvah age, as the age when a child becomes a responsible adult under the Mosaic covenant? When...
Is Jesus Really God: A Rebuttal to Islamic Teaching
by Mark Robinson My literature ministry at San Diego State University brings me into contact with not only Jewish students but also students from many diverse backgrounds. Usually there are up to a dozen or so literature tables offering different things to the...
Can the promise of 2 Chronicles 7:14 save America? 2 Chronicles 7:14 in context
by Rev. Mark Robinson | With the victory of Joe Biden as President and the Democrat control of both houses of Congress, the U.S.A. faces a bleak future. Socialism/Marxism is winning battles, and it most likely won’t be long before they win the war, introducing a...
The Late, Great United States of America
by Mark Robinson | In 1814, John McDonald, Pastor of Chapel Street Presbyterian Church in Albany, New York preached a sermon on America in Prophecy. Rev. McDonald’s sermon might be the earliest attempt at identifying the United States in prophecy. Pastor McDonald...
Anti-Semitism and the Democratic Party
by Ken Overby | After my sermon on blessing the Jewish descendants of Israel, a well-meaning Christian approached me in the aisle, explaining, that she was for the Jewish people, but not for the "Zionists." I explained to her that to be against Zionism and Zionists,...
Anti-Semitism and Evangelicalism
by Mark Robinson | On July 7, 2015 I received letter from a pastor in northern California. I have preached at this church many times and the pastor has a love for Israel and the Jewish people, for many years hosting an “Honor Israel” conference. He was concerned about...