2016 Prophecy Conference: Israel, Islam, and the Last Days MP3 CD


SKU: cd-15 Category:


This MP3 CD contains audio recordings of all 12 sessions from our 2016 Prophecy Conference in MP3 format. Each session is approximately an hour in duration. This CD is for use in your computer. The MP3s can also be transferred to your Apple, Android, or Windows device. It may or may not work in your car CD player.

  • Rev. Mark Robinson
    • “Israel: The Sign of the Times”
    • “Isaiah and the Apocalypse”
    • “Tale of Two Kingdoms: Satan’s and God’s” (Parts 1 and 2)
  • Dr. Doug Bookman
    • “God’s Plan of Redemption: Put in it’s Place” (Parts 1-4)
  • Dr. Hanna Shahin
    • Islamic Eschatology and how it Relates to Biblical Eschatology” (Parts 1-4)
  • Question and Answer


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