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In 120 eye-opening minutes, apologist John Ankerberg and journalist Jimmy DeYoung document many signs that point―right now―toward apocalyptic conflict in the Middle East, including explosive issues such as

  • preparations for rebuilding the Jewish temple on one of Islam’s holiest place
  • external and internal threats to Israel from Palestinian Arabs
  • Iran’s nuclear capability and intention to “wipe Israel off the map”

Adding to the visual impact is incisive Q-and-A footage with figures such as Israeli politicians Benjamin Netanyahu and Moshe Arens and Palestinian Authority spokesman Adnan Husseini. Conversations with numerous rabbis, religious leaders, and other guests round out some of the most exclusive video available on current Middle East spiritual–political issues.

The Israel Under Fire DVD offers viewers unmatched insight into the events now being generated by peoples, alliances, and religions―events that will unavoidably involve North Americans and the other billions of the globe.


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